Saturday, October 22, 2011

Break my heart Tarsis - Part 4

After a few moments, Amelia managed to focus back into reality. There was a strong feel of magic about this. It made Amelia very suspicious of the old man.

"Sir can you help me?" She added once more.

(====The next part is related as it was posted during online play. Thanks to Ekkana for Rp'ing====)

Ekkana chuckles, coughing loudly 'Why do you seek this man? He is very dangerous, and powerful...'

Amelia says 'I need swift assistance for a convoy of 3 caravans not too far from here. We were attacked and I've been told he would be the person to seek for help.' She looks at the old man and hopes for a quick answer.

Ekkana cackles eerily and coughs loudly 'Ahh, so you're looking to hire a sword, I see? You are in luck, I do know this man you speak of, an old friend of mine. But tell me, what else do you know of this man?'

Amelia looks a bit concerned about the man asking things instead of helping her, but she replies:
'Only that he is a powerful man and the man in charge of a band of mercenaries that could help us.'

Ekkana says 'Well, your information is correct. However,' He pauses.

Amelia then waits patiently for the man to finish.

Ekkana says 'You might be concerned to know that Ekkana is very dangerous, and very evil! a wry smirk comes across his face, then he adds 'He has slain many men in cold blood, for very little reason.'

Amelia says 'I've been told that for the right price, He will help us. Im convinced that the price will be fair for both parties.'

Ekkana says 'Ha, well evil isn't fair. *he begins to shift all his weight onto his staff slowly, then steps forward towards the lady* If your intention is still to find this man, I will take you to him.'

Amelia nods. Then she adds 'I'm determined sir. Time is of the essesnce and as soon as I can get to him, the better for my party.' she says 'we fear the thieves might return and attack again while the convoy is weaken.'

Ekkana says 'First, I'm hungry.' he smirks.

Amelia says with a worried face 'but sir... we need to make haste, please if you can point me in the right direction to find this man.' 

Ekkana asks 'You will not find him on your own, you will certainly need my help, and you do not expect me to take you to him on an empty stomach, an old man like me? *cackles* Don't they teach you to respect your elders in the Knighthood?'

Amelia slowly states 'I appologize sir, but many lives are at stake some people badly injured...'
Amelia bows her head in sign of respect to the old man.

Ekkana giggles with pleasure at the sign of the young lady's sub ordinance. He says 'Very well. We must travel to Caergoth, but it will not be easy. There will be many meals you must feed me along the way.'
Ekkana says 'and I am a very hungry old man, and desire only the finest food and drink.'

Amelia mutters quietly to herself and slowly states 'Sir. I must insist, there is not time to go to another city. We need the assistance here and now. I've been told the man Ekkana is in this city...'
Amelia shows great frustration at the man's mumbling.

Ekkana says '*looks around intently* Where? Where'd he go? *cackles furiously, clearly showing signs of senility*'

Amelia blinks frustrated as her eyes widen.

Ekkana says '*giggles contently again, then explains* your informant should have told you that Ekkana is a stubborn old man that likes to play tricks on naive youngsters.'

'and I dont suppose that old man is yourself?' Amelia said with a tone of disbelief and annoyment.

Ekkana says '*nods and smirks* I will help your party. *pauses* ..but I really am hungry. *frowns*'
Ekkana begins to hobble over to the lady, putting all his weight on his staff.

Amelia looks at the man incredibulously.
Amelia says 'Sir.. are you or are you not Ekkana?'

Ekkana slowly states '*seems very pleased at the Knight's confusion, but ends it* Yes. I am. and getting older...'

Amelia sighs with both frustration and relief at the same time.

Ekkana asks 'So, young lady, what is your offer for protection?'

Amelia says 'As I said before, the convoy needs help, I have a few people wounded and one dead. The caravans have been damaged and we need to repair them as well. We need protection from the thieves once they return to finish the job.'She then adds: 'We will pay for this protection and for escort to Tarsis, payment upon arrival to the city...  in good condition'

Ekkana says 'I am no healer, but I am a powerful killer I can protect your caravan. If you require healing, we will need additional help, which will cost you extra.'

Amelia says 'Indeed, we will require a healer. We are prepared for the extra cost'

Ekkana asks '*coughs abruptly, and grins* How much?'

Amelia walks to her horse and get a pouch from inside a hidden pocket on the bag. She then walks towards the old man and shows him the contents. Amelia says 'I believe this will be a fair payment.' She waits for a moment and then adds 'And a dinner meal upon arrival as well.' She smiles happily.

Ekkana says '*strokes his chin, smirking and considering the offer during the uncomfortable pause* I disagree. You'll have to raise extra funds, or your men will have to remain wounded.'

Amelia stares at the man now with a face turning angry. she says sharply 'the offer is more than enough!'
Amelia asks 'Do we have an agreement or we don't?' Amelia waits with a heavy gaze set at the man.

Ekkana says '*suddenly snaps at Amelia, his face growing sharply twisted with evil, his sunken eyes flaring with rage, he reaches a hand out to point at her face* I would watch your tone with me young lady! I will slay you in an instant! *grabs the bag quickly from her hands, shoving it into a larger pouch inside his robe, growing calmer, stepping back a bit and beginning to cough* Very well, young lady. I will summon a cleric. *he grins maniacally and starts chanting strange words, his hands whirling in a circular motion'
*a large black portal appears, and a young white robed man steps out, the disks of mishakal on his shield.*'

Amelia looks a bit shocked but manages to appear calm as this happens, but inside shes riddled with turmoil and fear. Her heart pumping fast in anticipation of battle. She takes a moment to regain herself and then takes a map from one of her pant's pockets and waits for Ekkana to be ready to look at it.

Ekkana exclaims 'Let us hurry, I'm starving!' *the young cleric rolls his eyes*

Amelia nods as she shows the map. Amelia says 'The convoy is here. About 30 minutes ride.'

Ekkana asks 'Very good, so you have a cart to carry me in or what?'

Amelia asks 'a cart?' She says 'Sir, may we arrange the rental of horses for you and the cleric? All I have is what you see here' Amelia she motions at her mount and herself.

Ekkana says 'It has been many years since I have ridden a horse, but I will try.'

Amelia asks 'Would you rather another kind of transportation then?'

Ekkana slowly states '*grins and begins chanting, and another, similar black portal appears near where the original stood. Instead of the blackness the last one contained, inside the circular portal you can see the caravan.*' Ekkana slowly hobbles over to the portal and steps inside, beckoning the other two.

Amelia blinks increduosly as she had never seen this kind of magic before. She walks carefully to her mount, grabs the reigns and attempts to cross the portal carefully as she doesnt know what to expect out of the experience.

*After all three and the mount step through the portal, Ekkana waves his hands at it dismissingly and the portal disappears, leaving Willik behind.* *the young cleric of mishakal rushes over to the wounded men, and Ekkana coughs loudly, spitting up coarse black substance onto the ground*'

Amelia looks at the caravan with a sign of relief as she sees that they have not been attacked in her absense. She then looks at Ekkana and asks "are you alright?"

... to be continued in Break my heart Tarsis - Final Part