Sunday, March 27, 2011

==Gathering Intel==

Its best to prepare with time.
Strategy is always best before you head out.
As the tests become more and more difficult, strategy becomes the best ally for all Knights Postulants. These are the records of 3 young Postulants.

(====The next part is related as it was posted during online play (Always on first person with 'You' being Amelia). Thanks to Raploch, Zeke, Tahmus and Lanfer====)

Zeke walks into the room seeming a bit overwhelmed by the size of the solamnic guardhouse.
Zeke glances at Amelia.

Amelia sits on a sofa reading some notes and checking a map.

Zeke notices another person in the room with him.
Zeke slowly states 'Ah, ma'am, might you know where i could find..' Zeke thinks for a second.

Amelia looks up from her papers.

Zeke asks 'ah, a Lady Amelia I believe?'

You say 'that would be me Sir.'

Zeke says 'I was sent to find her by Sir Lanfer' Zeke blinks innocently.

Amelia looks a bit confused. Normally she looks for people, not the other way around.

Zeke quickly pulls himself together and gives Amelia a quick bow.
Zeke says 'It is a pleasure to meet you ma'am, I am Zeke di Almaar.'

You say 'Pleased to meet you Zeke di Almaar. I am Amelia uth Iseere'

Zeke says 'the pleasure is all mine ma'am, er lady Amelia.'
Zeke follows this with another bow.

You say 'Call me Amelia. Im still not used to the formalities.'

Zeke says 'Ah, yes, I'm not quite sure how all of this works'

You agree absolutely.

Zeke says 'Sir Lanfer seemed a bit abrupt with me, and I am not used to a city the size of Solanthus'

You say 'Yes, Ive been in the service of Lord Lanfer for a few months, and it still sounds off when someone calls me Lady.'

Zeke suddenly looks a bit panicked
Zeke says 'Not that, of course'
Zeke says 'Sir Lanfer did something wrong'

Tahmus salutes you.
Tahmus salutes Zeke.

Zeke seems stressed.

You ask 'what do you mean?'

Zeke says 'I just dont want to come off insulting another knight'
Zeke notices the entry of someone else

Amelia notices another man coming into the Hall.
You say 'oh, by no means is an insult.'
You smile at him.

Zeke says 'Ah, hello sir'

You say 'I come from a small village on the outskirt of Palanthas. Im used to simple life.'
You say 'and I am yet not a Knight.'

Zeke says towards the new arrival and quickly bows

Tahmus says 'Hello, Sir, hello, M'am'

You salute Tahmus in the traditional Knight's Salute.

Tahmus listens intently to the pair's conversation, stroking his chin.

Zeke says 'I too am from a smaller town, Almaar on the southern coast, I've been to caergoth but never Solanthus, it is... Large.'

You say 'if you ever need any guideance, feel free to ask me. I've gotten used to it by now.'

Tahmus looks as if he forgot something important, and shuffles for his parchment and ink.

Zeke says 'It would be appreciated ma', er, Lady Amelia'

Tahmus sits on the floor and begins scribbling franticly.

Zeke sighs.

Amelia looks a bit intrigued by the new mans arrival.
You ask 'you said you were looking for me Zeke?'

Zeke says 'Ah yes, Sir Lanfer directed me to you'
Zeke says 'Said something about assisting you'
Zeke says 'I honesly have little idea what he was talking about, I was hoping perhaps you would enlighten me.'

You nod.
You say 'Indeed. We have been assigned a task.'
You say 'He told me he would send some other Postulants with me.'

Zeke says 'I see'

Amelia frowns as she begins explaining.
You slowly state 'our sources tell us that The Goblin King, Up in the mountains north of Southgate, has been planning a serries of assasinations to acquire currency to purchase new weapons for the goblins...'

Zeke mutters something quietly to himself.
Zeke slowly states 'Goblins...'

You say 'sadly this has led to a growing concern as our allies inform us of travelers (mostly solamnics) have fallen under their traps.'
You say 'we have reason to believe that a large diamond has fallen into their control and will be used to increase their numbers and weaponry.'

Tahmus stands again, putting his things back in their places, seemingly relieved that he's finished.

Zeke glances at Tahmus.
Zeke slowly states 'Southgate...'
Zeke sits down and thinks deeply.

You nod.

Zeke asks 'Shouldn't the dwarves be taking care of this goblin then?'

You shake your head.
You say 'alliance with the dwarves is frail at the moment, They will not interfeer with our operation, but we must not disturb them.'

Zeke slowly states 'I see...'
Zeke frowns.

You say 'mostly its Our people dying there, so it is Our main concern.'
You say 'we are to retrieve this blood diamond to put a break on the gathering momentum.'
You slowly state 'There is another thing...'

Zeke listens intently

Amelia frowns and confusion shows in her face.
You say 'there is one more task we need to accomplish... but the task is vague. As probably IS its purpose.'
You say 'We are to "retrieve" the crown of the Goblin King.'

Zeke asks 'And, what is the task?'

You say 'there are many implications to this task. and Its a test that will prove our worth as Knights.'

Zeke says 'So, we have to kill the goblin king, no doubt surrounded by his allies, and then somehow gather the proof'
Zeke says 'It would be so much easier if we could just shoot him.'

You say 'Im unsure. Lord Lanfer always chooses his words carefully. So i believe his vagueness indicates a trial.'

Zeke says 'Sir Lanfer does indeed seem to enjoy being vague' says while cracking a small smile

You say 'I've been going about this in my head a lot. I see many implications. Killing the Goblin King would hardly be knightly. We can't "steal" the crown. It is also against our code.'
You say 'Killing the King would bring a tremendous rage to the goblins and an imminent attack could harm our relations with the elves or with the dwarves'
You say 'Im sure if we all put our minds togheter for this, we shall find a way to pass this test and achieve our goals.'

Zeke says 'i dont see how it could be done without killing the goblin'

Tahmus says 'we could steal it.'

You say 'we cannot storm the Stronghold either. there will be 4 of us versus all of them.'

Tahmus looks intently at the two, one after another.

Amelia shakes her head in dissaproval to tahmus.
You slowly state 'Steal is agains our code...'

Tahmus falls down laughing.

Zeke says 'I think the easiest option would be to sneak in, find the diamond, and assasinate the king.'

You say 'we are Squires and Postulants, but we are required to act as Knights.'

Zeke says '... preferably from affar, with a bow.'

You say 'I 'Have' found a way into the Thone room without being detected.'
You say 'and perhaps we might find a way to make the king part with the crown without having to kill him.'

Zeke frowns.
Zeke says 'i dont see how'

Tahmus asks 'How would we get him to fear us?'

You say 'If our lives are threatened, then we shall take his life.'

Zeke says 'He will not with to look weak in front of his servents one would think'
Zeke asks 'So what would convince him to relequinsh the crown?'

You slowly state 'the element of Surprise... somehow we can use that to our advantage...'
You say 'I have an idea, lets see how we can cope about it.'
Amelia thinks for a moment as she asseses and calculates in her head.

Tahmus strokes his chin, watching Amelia.

You say 'a distraction from the north, might get the throne room empty of guards as we sneak through the secret passageway.'

Zeke asks 'Say perhaps, a fire?'

Tahmus nods at Zeke.

You say 'if we catch the king alone, or with few, we might coherse him into relinquishing the diamond and crown in exchange for his life.'
You say 'with no crown, the king will have riots and the stronghold will fall into chaos. this will diminish the thread against our people.'

Tahmus asks 'Do you think the king will fear us?'

You strike a very astoot pose.
You say 'its hard to say'

You say 'we must prepare for if he does... and if he doesnt.'

Tahmus asks 'What can we do to make this more likely?'

Zeke sits down and thinks deeply.
Zeke says 'the less guards he has, the better'

Tahmus nods.

Zeke says 'Goblins are cowards'

You say '4 Knights arriving straight at his throne room will be encouraging.'

Zeke says 'If he is in any way outnumbered, that will help'

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Zeke.

Tahmus asks 'So have you seen his throme room Amelia?'

Amelia takes out a hand drawn map form in between all her papers.
You say 'I havent. but I know someone who has.'

Tahmus asks 'are there many exits?'
Tahmus salutes Railen as he arrives.

Zeke looks on curiously.

You slowly state 'I encounter a mariner elf. An old ally from the war. '
You shake your head in response to Tahmus's question.
You say 'only this one.'
Amelia points at the small corridor drawn behind a tapestry in the Throne room.

Tahmus says 'If we block the exits, he will feel traped.'

You say 'this is our only way in.. and out. Unless we care to fight the whole clan.'

Tahmus nods at you.

Zeke sits down and thinks deeply.
Zeke asks 'so how do we prevent reinforcements from coming to him?'

You say 'we can use the stealth of the night. We could hire a magician to help us put out the lights momentarily as we take our positions distributed around the Hall.'

Zeke frowns.
Zeke says 'i dont think we need a magician, I think we need a way of blocking the other entrance to the throne room'

You strike a very astoot pose.

Tahmus is summoned away by his supperiors and leaves the room immediately.

Zeke says 'We come in from the back, even with a distraction some goblins will eventually return, and the king will know that, unless we block the front door and he knows he cant escape or wait for help'

You say 'I need to know you're skills, what are you good with. Same as I will state mine so we can plan this more throughoutly'

Zeke says 'I'm a fairly compitant tracker'
Zeke says 'I'm also quite good at being quiet'
Zeke says 'I grew up hunting, I can use a bow, track prey, and sneak up on the unsuspecting'

You slowly state 'I am trained in melee combat arts. I have experience in planning and frontal assaults. I believe im very good at making enemies focuss their attention at me. '
You slowly state 'If you are good with a bow....'

Amelia thinks for a moment.

Railen steps into the room, glancing at the two young knight's to be. "Good Day, Knight Postulants."

Amelia stands up and salutes the Knight. She then turns again to Zeke and continues.
You say 'I can draw the King, and whomever else is in there, attentions while you set these... and these tapestries on fire.'
Amelia points at the map where the other exits are surrounded by tapestries.

Zeke turns his head, noticing the clearly superior knight, and quickly bows towards him
Zeke says 'Greetings Sir.'

You say 'Good day Lord Railen'

Railen nods to them, removing his helmet and laying it on a table. "How goes it with you this day?"

You say 'We are preparing for our upcoming Task.'

Railen nods as he sinks into a chair. "I see. Always better to be prepared than not."

You agree absolutely.
You say 'we are trying to define what best method to retrieve the crown.'
You say 'and prepare for anything that could go wrong.'

Zeke says 'It would be nice if we could just collapse the entrance to the throne room'
Zeke says 'That way nothing could get in or out aside from our back entrance'

Railen chuckles softly. "Then how will you get out?

You say 'there is a secret corridor behind the throne room.'
You say 'and old ally from the Wild Runners advised me of it.'

Zeke says OOCly 'does glance show that you looked at them? cause glance only shows description'

You say OOCly 'yeah but for example i was ttrying to bring raploch's description.'

Railen nods, leaning back in the chair. "There will be...four of you going on this quest?"

Zeke says 'I believe so, Sir.'

You say 'yes Sir.'

Railen tilts his head slightly. "Two of you watch the main door. If they're actual doors, find something to keep them shut perhaps. Two should be able to hold the main entrance, even if the entire clan comes down on you, atleast for alittle while.

You slowly state 'perhaps we can carry with us some light logs to bar the main door. '

Zeke says 'I wonder if their is a table or a bed in the throne room or maybe'
Zeke asks 'the throne itself?'

You say 'Raploch is a templar, im sure he is well skilled in using a mace and could swiftly set the barricade'

Zeke asks 'Used to bar the door?'
Zeke says 'that way we wont have to burden ourselves down with hauling our own barricade'

Railen smiles at them. "You all will do fine i Believe."

You say 'the throne, lets not count on it. we CAN carry some sturdy logs quietly into the secret passageway, if we assess from behind the tapestry that we dont need them, then we take whatever is in the room'
You slowly state 'and that way we will make sure we at least have a backup.. in case goblins dont believe in tables...'
You chuckle politely. Amelia looks around.
You ask 'where is the other man that was coming with us?'
You slowly state 'it would be useful to know his skills...'

Zeke says 'Ah, I am not sure, I wasn't given his name'

You say 'a strange fellow.' You shrug.

Zeke nods in enthusiastic agreement with you.

You ask 'what is your view about our tactics Lord Railen?'
You ask 'in what could we improve?'

Railen smiles as he stands, retreaving his helmet. "So far, from what I've heard your tactic's are sound. Bar the door, do what you need to do and get out." He nods gently.

Zeke asks 'What about the diamond?'
Zeke asks 'Will it be in the throne room as well?'

Amelia looks down at her maps.

Railen slowly states 'Perhaps it will. If not, you can always wrestle the King..'

You say 'with him startled at our presence and at his sudden rendition, he will most likely surrender his crown and diamond in exchange for his life.'

Zeke asks 'Ah, wrestle sir?'

You say 'as you said before... goblins are cowards.'

Railen grins wickedly at Zeke. "Aye lad. Wrestling goblins is rather fun."

Zeke looks at railen wairly
Zeke says 'I do not believe I am one suited to wrestling'

You say 'dont worry. I can take that'

Zeke slowly states 'and goblins...'

You say 'Raploch and the other squire can take the door'

Zeke cracks a small smile
Zeke asks 'who would want to even touch one?'

You say 'I would need you to back me up with any other targets inside the room.'

Zeke turns and nods to Amelia

Railen says OOCly 'Man, do yall know how many times ive almost said somethin like "why back in my day...'

Zeke says 'I can do that.'

You slowly state 'I will tackle the king directly., I need you to cover my back from any others. '

Zeke nods. Zeke says 'Not a problem.'

You say 'If the door is breached, we will have those two fall back. you covering for them as i drag the king into the passageway if he has not yet given the diamond and crown.'

Zeke nods.

Railen grins softly before running a hand through his tightly braided hair. "Forgive me, but i must leave. Return to me when you've retreaved the Diamond and the Crown. Good luck."

Zeke bows before Railen.

You salute him in the traditional Knight's Salute.

Zeke says 'Thank you sir'

You say 'we appreciate your tought on our tactics and the time you have spent with us.'

Railen bows slightly. "Be careful, goblins are...nasty little devils." He says as he leaves the room without another word.

Zeke says 'If all the goblins do not leave the room from the distraction, what then? We may have to fight regardless'

You agree absolutely.
You slowly state 'we will need your bow skills as we enter the room. If many goblins are there, we will take them as Raploch and the other Postulant go for the door. Once we secure the room Ill take the king...'

Zeke nods. Zeke asks 'Who sets the distraction then?'

You say 'We must try to avoid killing them. but if we must. we will'

You say 'for the distraction... I will contact the Wild Runner and ask for support. Im sure they can draw the goblins attentions to the front of the stronghold'

Zeke nods.
Zeke says 'the plan seems solid enough'
You ask 'what are we missing?'

Zeke asks 'What if the diamond isnt in the room?'

You say 'also what if the king refuses?, even in exchange for his life.'

You say 'if the diamond is not there, and the King does not give us the location, we will have to protect out exit and try to investyiguate there. as long as we can.'

Raploch has arrived.
Raploch sits on the blue sofa and rests.

You say 'if the plan goes bad, we might need to go back into the stronghold for it'

Zeke says 'That wont be easy'

You say 'im sure they wouldnt expect us back so soon... but still.'

Zeke says 'the goblins will be on high alert'
Zeke says 'So, this plan has a great deal of luck attached to it but I personally cant see another way around it'

Zeke says 'Now then'

Raploch walks into the room with his hat under his arm.

Zeke asks 'How are we getting to Southgate?'

Amelia greets Raploch as he comes in.

Zeke turns his head to see the newcomer

Lanfer enters the common room and leans against the wooden door frame watching the new recruits interacting. He notes Amelia as taking the lead in this endevor and smiles. His Squires were doing well, and he was happy about this, smiling to no one in perticular as he watches the group assembled infront of him.

Raploch salutes Lanfer.

Zeke bows before Lanfer.
Zeke bows before Raploch.
Zeke says 'Hello Sir, ah, sirs'
Zeke says to the new arrivals

You say 'Zeke, this is Raploch, he will be joining us for the Task'

Zeke bows before Raploch.

Raploch bows to Zeke and offers him a handshake.

Amelia lets out a small grins as she unravels the tricks in Lanfers vague words, used to test her.

Zeke says 'Hello Raplock'
Zeke grips raplochs hand firmly in greeting

Raploch says 'yes, nice to meet you Zeke.'

Lanfer nods to Amelia, "I am glad you have taken this task seriously. I have place you three together for a reason, as your strength and weaknesses compliment one another well. I will expect to hear a strong plan before we send you out into the world. Remember this, you may not return from this Journey. If you put you life in the hands of those in this room and trust in the Triumveret you will however acheive your goal."x

Amelia looks to those around her.

You say 'The plan is set and the motions are carried. Will you care to listen to our plan? Raploch still needs to hear it as well.'
Amelia nods as she puts her papers in a particular order.

Zeke listens quietly

Raploch nods in agreement with Amelia's words and replies to Lanfer with, "I have the utmost faith in Amelia, as we have known eachother for a while. And that can only grow with Zeke, who I am looking forward to working with."

Lanfer nods again to Amelia standing from his leaned position on the door frame to enter the room and stand facing her. "Please go on Amelia, I would love to hear what intel you have gathered and how play to go about this." He crosses his arms accross his chest seeming very pleased with Amelia's ability to stand in control.

You say 'I contacted our elven ally from the Wild Runner and came back with great intel about a secret passage straight into the Throne Room of the goblin Stronghold. She had detailed maps of the the Keep and of the secret tunnel we will use.'
Amelia shows the maps over the table for everyone to see.
You say 'A frontal assault to the keep is useless with only 4 of us. So this passageway will bring us straight to the King.'
You say 'We have tought about it much, and ideas have been flying around. We  believe that Killing the king will bring the goblins into a frenzy and possibly will attack either the dwarves or the elves. This would not be good for the Knighthood.'
You say 'we shall attempt to make the king fall into our plot and surrender willingly his crown and the blood diamond in exchange for his life.'
You say 'We will still acomplish diminishing the threat of the goblins by bringing civil unrest among them. but without unifying them under the rage of their dead king.'
Amelia brings the map fo the throne room to the top.
You say 'I will speak with our ally from the Runners and ask for a favor to benefit our cause and theirs. A diversion on the front of the stronghold will hopefuly send most the warriors outside the throneroom.'
You say 'when this is done. Raploch and the other Postulant (ooc tahmus) shall take the main door and barricade it nailing it with tables or with wooden boards we will carry into the secret passageway for reserve.'
You say 'while them two take the door, Zeke and me will secure the room for other guards and confront the King.'
You say 'We will intimidate him with the unexpected arrival of 4 Solamnics into his throne room and scold him for his aberrant behaviour. We will offer him the choice to surrender his crown and the blood diamond in exchange for his life.'
You say 'if and when the door is breached, Zeke shall cover Raploch's retreat into the passageway as I (if necesary) will drag the King into it if he hasnt relinquished the crown and diamond yet.'
Amelia looks about her other papers and confirms with a nod.
You say 'we will prepare for the worst.'
Amelia nods decisevly.

Zeke says 'We are hoping that there is something for you to barricade the door with in the throne room, a large table or a bed, maybe the throne itself'
Zeke says 'but Amelia also suggested bringing in our own logs to help barricade the door'
Zeke nods towards Amelia
Zeke says 'My concern is that the diamond will not be in the throne room, if it isn't we will be in serious trouble,'
Zeke says 'since we will then have to find a new way into the stronghold with no idea where the diamond is.'
Zeke says 'of course, if the gods so permit, everything will be in one place'
Zeke says 'To my knowledge that is the plan, we tried to work out all of our options, and I must say that Amelia most definately had her preperations done'
Zeke nods again towards Amelia
Zeke asks 'Now we need to know what you and Sir Lanfer think of the plan, perhaps you see something we do not?'

Raploch listens closely while examining the maps, picking apart the plan in his head. " I am wondering if two men are truly needed to barricade the main door, but as speed is an issue I suppose it would be wise if you will not need another man in confronting the king and his guards."
Raploch says 'and if the diamond is not in the throne room or te king does not give us the crown willingly, are we to jail the King here as ransom?"'
Raploch looks to Amelia with an inquisitive expression.

You say 'but if we jail him, it will be a long way to carry the king into safety, followed by all his minions'

Zeke says 'I say if he wont reliquinsh the crown we kill him.'

You slowly state 'and that would unify them agains us with rage. Im not sure it would be a good idea. '
You say 'if he poses a threat to us, then we kill him, but we will try to avoid it'

Zeke asks 'Well, if he has guards in the room that dont leave with the distraction, should we just kill them outright?'

Raploch shakes his head.

You say 'if they fall back as we enter, then no. If they attack, we need to counterattack'

Zeke says 'Because the King will only resist if he thinks he can win, if his guards are all dead, he will be outnumbered 4 to one'

You nod at Zeke.

Raploch says 'let me just say I think its in our best interest to remain as bloodfree as possible, protect ourselves yes, but if we can be swift and cunning while retreiving these items we maintain respect across Krynn,  easing our future agendas'

You ask 'IS there anything else we could be missing?'
Amelia looks down at the maps and notes from her ally.
You say 'an angle we are not considering. Preparation will get us more than half the way.'

Zeke mutters something about no one missing any dead goblins under his breath
Zeke says 'I cant think of anything, I believe we covered all the bases, except of course how we get to Southgate and what happens if the diamond isnt there'
Zeke says 'But I assumed the travel had already been planned out by Amelia, and the contingency plan'
Zeke shrugs. Zeke says 'we can bother with if we need it'
Zeke glances towards Raploch, wondering if he has anything to add

Raploch nods in agreement with Zeke and says "the last thing that comes to mind is the initial rush into the secret passage, let us hope we take them by surprise, but prepare to meet any unexpected resistance, factor X"

You say 'I will communicate with my ally and see if she can lead us into the entry way herself or ask if she can send someone.'

Raploch nods at you.

You say 'as for transportation, it IS a long trip, but we should be there shortly when the tranpostations finish their arrangements.'

Raploch says 'Alright, I have confidence in this plan. I will finish my battle training and begin preparations'

You nod. You say 'As will I.'

Raploch bows deeply.

Amelia nods at Lord Lanfer, Zeke and Raploch as she bows, gathers her items and leaves the room.