Saturday, October 22, 2011

Break my heart Tarsis - Part 4

After a few moments, Amelia managed to focus back into reality. There was a strong feel of magic about this. It made Amelia very suspicious of the old man.

"Sir can you help me?" She added once more.

(====The next part is related as it was posted during online play. Thanks to Ekkana for Rp'ing====)

Ekkana chuckles, coughing loudly 'Why do you seek this man? He is very dangerous, and powerful...'

Amelia says 'I need swift assistance for a convoy of 3 caravans not too far from here. We were attacked and I've been told he would be the person to seek for help.' She looks at the old man and hopes for a quick answer.

Ekkana cackles eerily and coughs loudly 'Ahh, so you're looking to hire a sword, I see? You are in luck, I do know this man you speak of, an old friend of mine. But tell me, what else do you know of this man?'

Amelia looks a bit concerned about the man asking things instead of helping her, but she replies:
'Only that he is a powerful man and the man in charge of a band of mercenaries that could help us.'

Ekkana says 'Well, your information is correct. However,' He pauses.

Amelia then waits patiently for the man to finish.

Ekkana says 'You might be concerned to know that Ekkana is very dangerous, and very evil! a wry smirk comes across his face, then he adds 'He has slain many men in cold blood, for very little reason.'

Amelia says 'I've been told that for the right price, He will help us. Im convinced that the price will be fair for both parties.'

Ekkana says 'Ha, well evil isn't fair. *he begins to shift all his weight onto his staff slowly, then steps forward towards the lady* If your intention is still to find this man, I will take you to him.'

Amelia nods. Then she adds 'I'm determined sir. Time is of the essesnce and as soon as I can get to him, the better for my party.' she says 'we fear the thieves might return and attack again while the convoy is weaken.'

Ekkana says 'First, I'm hungry.' he smirks.

Amelia says with a worried face 'but sir... we need to make haste, please if you can point me in the right direction to find this man.' 

Ekkana asks 'You will not find him on your own, you will certainly need my help, and you do not expect me to take you to him on an empty stomach, an old man like me? *cackles* Don't they teach you to respect your elders in the Knighthood?'

Amelia slowly states 'I appologize sir, but many lives are at stake some people badly injured...'
Amelia bows her head in sign of respect to the old man.

Ekkana giggles with pleasure at the sign of the young lady's sub ordinance. He says 'Very well. We must travel to Caergoth, but it will not be easy. There will be many meals you must feed me along the way.'
Ekkana says 'and I am a very hungry old man, and desire only the finest food and drink.'

Amelia mutters quietly to herself and slowly states 'Sir. I must insist, there is not time to go to another city. We need the assistance here and now. I've been told the man Ekkana is in this city...'
Amelia shows great frustration at the man's mumbling.

Ekkana says '*looks around intently* Where? Where'd he go? *cackles furiously, clearly showing signs of senility*'

Amelia blinks frustrated as her eyes widen.

Ekkana says '*giggles contently again, then explains* your informant should have told you that Ekkana is a stubborn old man that likes to play tricks on naive youngsters.'

'and I dont suppose that old man is yourself?' Amelia said with a tone of disbelief and annoyment.

Ekkana says '*nods and smirks* I will help your party. *pauses* ..but I really am hungry. *frowns*'
Ekkana begins to hobble over to the lady, putting all his weight on his staff.

Amelia looks at the man incredibulously.
Amelia says 'Sir.. are you or are you not Ekkana?'

Ekkana slowly states '*seems very pleased at the Knight's confusion, but ends it* Yes. I am. and getting older...'

Amelia sighs with both frustration and relief at the same time.

Ekkana asks 'So, young lady, what is your offer for protection?'

Amelia says 'As I said before, the convoy needs help, I have a few people wounded and one dead. The caravans have been damaged and we need to repair them as well. We need protection from the thieves once they return to finish the job.'She then adds: 'We will pay for this protection and for escort to Tarsis, payment upon arrival to the city...  in good condition'

Ekkana says 'I am no healer, but I am a powerful killer I can protect your caravan. If you require healing, we will need additional help, which will cost you extra.'

Amelia says 'Indeed, we will require a healer. We are prepared for the extra cost'

Ekkana asks '*coughs abruptly, and grins* How much?'

Amelia walks to her horse and get a pouch from inside a hidden pocket on the bag. She then walks towards the old man and shows him the contents. Amelia says 'I believe this will be a fair payment.' She waits for a moment and then adds 'And a dinner meal upon arrival as well.' She smiles happily.

Ekkana says '*strokes his chin, smirking and considering the offer during the uncomfortable pause* I disagree. You'll have to raise extra funds, or your men will have to remain wounded.'

Amelia stares at the man now with a face turning angry. she says sharply 'the offer is more than enough!'
Amelia asks 'Do we have an agreement or we don't?' Amelia waits with a heavy gaze set at the man.

Ekkana says '*suddenly snaps at Amelia, his face growing sharply twisted with evil, his sunken eyes flaring with rage, he reaches a hand out to point at her face* I would watch your tone with me young lady! I will slay you in an instant! *grabs the bag quickly from her hands, shoving it into a larger pouch inside his robe, growing calmer, stepping back a bit and beginning to cough* Very well, young lady. I will summon a cleric. *he grins maniacally and starts chanting strange words, his hands whirling in a circular motion'
*a large black portal appears, and a young white robed man steps out, the disks of mishakal on his shield.*'

Amelia looks a bit shocked but manages to appear calm as this happens, but inside shes riddled with turmoil and fear. Her heart pumping fast in anticipation of battle. She takes a moment to regain herself and then takes a map from one of her pant's pockets and waits for Ekkana to be ready to look at it.

Ekkana exclaims 'Let us hurry, I'm starving!' *the young cleric rolls his eyes*

Amelia nods as she shows the map. Amelia says 'The convoy is here. About 30 minutes ride.'

Ekkana asks 'Very good, so you have a cart to carry me in or what?'

Amelia asks 'a cart?' She says 'Sir, may we arrange the rental of horses for you and the cleric? All I have is what you see here' Amelia she motions at her mount and herself.

Ekkana says 'It has been many years since I have ridden a horse, but I will try.'

Amelia asks 'Would you rather another kind of transportation then?'

Ekkana slowly states '*grins and begins chanting, and another, similar black portal appears near where the original stood. Instead of the blackness the last one contained, inside the circular portal you can see the caravan.*' Ekkana slowly hobbles over to the portal and steps inside, beckoning the other two.

Amelia blinks increduosly as she had never seen this kind of magic before. She walks carefully to her mount, grabs the reigns and attempts to cross the portal carefully as she doesnt know what to expect out of the experience.

*After all three and the mount step through the portal, Ekkana waves his hands at it dismissingly and the portal disappears, leaving Willik behind.* *the young cleric of mishakal rushes over to the wounded men, and Ekkana coughs loudly, spitting up coarse black substance onto the ground*'

Amelia looks at the caravan with a sign of relief as she sees that they have not been attacked in her absense. She then looks at Ekkana and asks "are you alright?"

... to be continued in Break my heart Tarsis - Final Part

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Break my heart Tarsis - Part 3

Amelia left instructions of how the squires should proceed in her absence while she hurried to the village to get the assistance required.

She turned back to the pathway in the plains and rode as fast as she could through them. After a few minutes  the village of Willik could be seen, but time was short. The dusk was soon aproaching and danger for the convoy increased by the minute.

She arrived to the village and immediatelly requested help from the few locals she could find. Unfortunately, the village was small and no police force was present that she could request help from. The locals could only refer her to mercenaries, paid swords that would help her for the right price. This was something Amelia had never done nor experienced, but now was the perfect moment to test it out.

She headed to the area of town where she could find a man by the name of Ekkana. She was told this would be the man to talk with, a man of power and control over the mercenaries in the region. The streets were empty and it seemed that no one really walked out in the afternoon. She hurried through the streets until she found the place she had been told.

An old man sat on a wooden crate mischievously looking at her. Amelia saw no one else so she approached the man. As she walked towards him, a foul stench disrupted her senses. Unable to hide her initial dislike for the strong stinky smell, she took a moment to recover herself and continue towards the man. Indeed he was the source of the stench.

The old man looked up at her and examined her from head to toe. Amelia felt somewhat uncomfortable, but the situation with the convoy overrode any reservations she could have taken.

"Excuse me. I am in dire need of assistance. I look for the man called Ekkana. Do you know who this person is? I've been told I could find him here." She said.

The man looked up at her with a cheery smile on his face, but no sound came from his mouth. He just smiled at her and chuckled.

"Could you help me find this man?" She asked with a concerned voice, attempting to persuade the man to help her.

The man only smiled, a wicked weird smile, and suddenly the thought of the attacked caravan left behind overcame Amelia in a strange way. In her mind she saw the convoy, but no person to be seen. This struck fear into Amelia's heart as she realized the possibility of her failing to return with the so-needed help.

The scene flooded her mind...

... to be continued in Break my heart Tarsis - Part 4

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Break my heart Tarsis - Part 2

So the battle began.

The 7 thieves rushed towards the caravan, very sure of their imminent success. The squires and the merchants had done their part and were prepared. Amelia and one of the squires charged into battle riding their horses.

Amelia charged to the left flank and the squire to the right. Amelia's charge was successful as she managed to dismounted the rider on the far left. The same could not be said about the squire, who not only failed to dismount the thief, but managed to fall from his horse on the charge.

Amelia quickly engaged the fallen thief. She reared her horse while assuming the best position for her to overpower the attacker.The mace of the thin man hit the horse with force, much to Stargazer's anger. But both Solamnics stayed on top of the situation. Amelia swung her sword and hit the man on the head with the flat side of it. The man fell unconscious to the ground.

Quickly she turned to check the squire that had fallen of his horse. He was managing a difficult battle versus two thieves. She charged once more towards them and engaged one of them while the squire succeeded in a more manageable fight versus one. After these two thieves were knocked out, they Amelia and the squire rejoined the caravan where the battle was still ongoing.

The rest of the thieves had circled the caravan shooting with crossbows of their own. Frustrated about not being able to pull at least one of the carts out, they destroyed some of the wheels of two of the caravans, making it impossible for the convoy to move forwards in a while. This was a sign that if they left, they could come back with reinforcements and finish the job, at least that's what the Solamnics expected.

Uleg had hidden himself in between the cargo of his carts and managed to stay away from the main fight. The squires had put up a great fight, although the squire Armand was injured badly. He was the youngest of the squires and had proven to be very brave, but somewhat reckless.

Amelia and the other squire arrived at the caravan scene to find the cart's wheels being torn out by a thief while the other 3 circled around the convoy. One of the thieves was engaged in combat with one of the squires, while the other 2 terrorized the old man and his remaining workers. One of the workers had been killed.

Amelia stroke down the thief that was taking the wheels. The other 3 gave some final kicks to the squire Gelek while he was on the ground, and then took off stealing the horses which they managed to break free from the harnesses of the caravans.

The assessment of the damages was intense. Armand had been badly injured and even with Amelia's healing spells they were unable to stabilize, his fate would be sealed if they didn't get proper medical assistance soon. Gelek was hurt and bruised but was still standing on his own, same for the other squire. One of Uleg's workers was killed and 2 of them knocked out. At least Uleg was unharmed.

With only one horse with them, moving the caravans and the wounded out of harm's way would be impossible. There was only one course of action that Amelia could take. That was to find the closest city or village and get help, with the hopes that the thieves would not return before she did.

Preparations were made to leave the caravan as defensible as possible in her absence and rode away. Gelek had seen a small village not so far behind and it was the best bet they had, perhaps one hour away, or less if she took a route through the plains.

So she left, hoping for the best but fearing the worst...

... to be continued in Break my heart Tarsis - Part 3

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Break my heart Tarsis - Part 1

Uleg Melinar, the old man to whom Lanfer had appointed Amelia to escort to the city of Tarsis in the far south, seemed to be more trouble than initially suspected.

Amelia had led the caravan from Solanthus, all the way to New Ports city, where the old man had lingered for more days than Amelia could afford to waste. A merchant will always be a merchant, and he had to trade, sell and purchase everything he could while having a Knight and 3 squires to protect his investments. And all of this Free of charge.

Time was not idle for the knight and her appointed squires. She trained with them when they could. Everything from 'How to bash properly in combat' to 'You do not stare at Elven pointy ears if you had never seen one before'

On the 5th day on New Ports. Amelia went to Uleg to urge him One more Time, to stop wasting their time and move onward's towards the city of Tarsis. After negotiating a few things, they finally came to an arrangement and they were able to start preparations to leave the city. The merchant pushed for them to stay over night, but Amelia convinced him to leave the city and spend the night in the next village (a small town with very little opportunity for Uleg to linger at)

After that, the trip seemed to be advancing well. The convoy spent the night in a small village in between and carried on towards Tarsis.

They were a few hours away still when one of the squires, who was scouting ahead, rode back in haste and shouted to Amelia:

"Thieves heading this way Lady! 7 riders coming from the northwest. What are your orders?" he said hastily.

Amelia stopped her horse, looked around said "Armand and Gelek will protect the flanks of the caravans, Ask Uleg to  park the caravans as close as they can and tie them to one another, so the thieves cant take control of them and take them" Taking a pause to asses the situation, she continued "You and me are going to meet them, remember your training and you should be fine"

"But lady... they are 7, we are 4" the scout said with a taint of worry in his voice.

"Wrong. We are more" Amelia replied. "Do you think Uleg's men are defenseless?"

The young squire turned towards the caravan and saw how the merchant's men were armed with crossbows, one of them with a sword. "You are soon to be a Knight, remember that. You are well trained in combat and we can take this with ease" Amelia finished.

The combat would soon begin...

... to be continued in Break my heart Tarsis - Part 2

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The next few days were spent returning to Solanthus, the home city of the Solamnic Knights. Her assignments were always handed by an intermediary between her and her Patron Knight. It was always difficult that her superior was the Grand Master of the Knighthood, that usually meant he didn't had much time to actually meet with her.

Today it was no different. A page approached her as soon as she reached the Solamnic Keep and handed her a letter written by the Grand Master.

Amelia's face dimmed away. Yet another seemingly empty quest for her to fulfill. Sometimes it seemed as tough Master Lanfer gave her too easy assignments. Did he doubt her capacity? or was it just the influence of her uncle Jona's friendship with Lanfer?

"Thank you, Please acknowledge the acceptance of this task to the Grand Master when he is available. I shall make the arrangements for departure" said Amelia as she saluted the page and turned towards the Keep.

She hadn't even seen her own room in little less than a month, and now she would only see it for a few moments while she prepared her equipment for the task at hand.

Uleg Melinar was an old merchant from the city of Tarsis. Some considered him a double spy and thought  him to be gathering information to deliver to the enemies of the Realm. If this was so, Lanfer was pretty much ignoring the rumors. There was always speculation around this man, but in a way, it was a good thing because Amelia would get the chance to see for herself how the man acted.


After a few hours, the small convoy was ready for departure. The merchant was said to always be carrying along with him a small caravan of 3 or 4 carts with items from the region. Today's caravan consisted on 3 carts, the merchant and 5 workers that came with him. And now protected by 1 knight and 3 squires assigned to the duty. Amelia was lucky, normally she gets no help at all.

The trip was planned to take the caravan safely through the shortest possible route. Tarsis was very far away and it would take a few weeks to complete the task. The caravan would head to shore and take a trip across the ocean towards New Ports, where they would continue the trip by road towards Pax Tharkas and south through the mountains.

Nothing else to do than to now wait for Uleg to arrive at the caravan. He's the slow kind of man.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Intensive training

In the months following the successful recovery of the crown of the Goblin King and the blood diamond used for evil, Amelia dedicated herself to training intensively for her trials ahead.

== Swimming ==

As a warrior she never had the need to swim, and now being a full Knight, her armor became her best friend and needing to remove it for swimming was not among her priorities. The thought of being in the water was almost the same as if she was a dwarf! She had never been in a lake, river or ocean. But it was a fear that needed to be confronted.

Official business had taken her to Solace, and the opportunity to put herself to the test laid before her. With careful planing, she looked for a good spot to lay her armor while she pretended to be swimming. 

It didn't take long for her to start feeling that anxiety of drowning. Her unskillful movements dragged her to the bottom of the lake where she just attempted to hold her breath, while pushing herself to the shore. After a few hours her skill increased same as her knowledge of lakes. She learned, the bad way, that there is a nasty Snapping turtle living in the waters of Crystalmir Lake that needs to be avoided at ALL times.

It seemed as tough the fish were laughing at her.
With not much left for the week, Amelia spent her afternoons mastering her new skill, while during the days she patrolled the forests in search of a known thief.

== Mounted combat ==

Another well sought ability of paladins is the ability to fight while mounted. In this endeavor the skill of both the paladin and their horse is measured in combat tactics. This technique is taught by the Patron Knight to their squires or their Knights at the Solamnic Plains.

Mounting her warhorse Stargazer, Amelia set to the task of at least not falling off during an assault to one of the training dummies. The first 2 tries were almost unsuccessful, but she managed to both keep her mace and  remain on her horse. The few next tries were a bit more successful to the point that she had to dismount to go set up the dummies ready for the next assault.

Amelia and Stargazer

After a long day of training, both Amelia and Stargazer went back to the stables at Solanthus with an increased sense of accomplishment. and with a few 'battle scars' to show, mostly just the horse attempting to trample the dummies instead of avoiding them.

== Sparing ==

Testing her combat skills with someone was the best way to know if her tactics were correct or not. Sparing with a furry and skillful fighter, such as a Minotaur, was the next step for Amelia.

The first battle was short but increasingly they became longer, taking some breaks here and there. Small things like bashing, dodging, parrying and kicking can make the world of difference between winning of loosing a match.

Monday, March 28, 2011

==The Crown of the Goblin King==

Life as a squire had been difficult to Amelia. She had to change her lifestyle. All the things she was used to, all the things she knew, had to be reformed. There was no room for error and no gray areas if she was going to be Knighted.

After a few months on this new stage of her life. She was finally assigned a Patron Knight to mentor her and guide her through her life as a Knight Postulant. Her patron is non other than the old friend of Uncle Jona: Lanfer Di'Ternian who was no other than the Grandmaster himself. It was a great honor and also a great burden for Amelia. There was more pressure on her than she would have expected it.

Many difficult tasks were laid before her to prove her loyalty, dedication, strenght, stamina and fortitude. A quest was given to her by her Patron Knight.

Her task was to eliminate a dangerous enemy. This task might have been compleated faster by other more experienced knights, but this was assigned to her for its learning value.

Not all was fun and games, lives were at stake here, not only hers, but those of 2 other squires that were assigned to her, her friend Raploch and a new squire Zeke. This task would also measure her leadership abilities.

The Crown of the Goblin King

Goblin Stronghold

A blood diamond was used in the murder of a Palanthian man. The same diamond had been traced back to the goblin perpetradors. The Goblin King had order this assasination while the man was traveling through the mountains.

Amelia and her fellow squires went on the chase. They had to retreive the blood diamond to keep it from being used in the purchase of weapons. Also, they had to retreive the Crown of the Goblin King, the sign of leadership. Without it, the king would be powerless and challanged by any who dared, bringing the goblin stronghold into chaos, and keeping them from organizing and setting further attacks.

"Take these two soldiers and retreive the blood diamond. I also want you to acquire the Crown of the Goblin King and bring it to me." her Patron Knight had told her. But his words tangled and twirled in Amelia's mind. What did he mean by 'accquiring' it? Did he mean 'Steal' it? Did he mean 'Kill the King'. He was very vague, when he never was before. He had always chosen his words carefully. His every speach was a test. Was this too?

A few days of looking for the best tactic led Amelia to find an alternate route inside the Goblin Stronghold. There was a small cave that led directly to the throne room. This was an official matter or knights but bringing her soldiers through the front door would mean suicide. There were far too many goblins to go through the main door.

(====The next part is related as it was posted during online play. Thanks to Raploch, Zeke and the nice imm that played Grumm and made special effects====)

Amelia stands in front of the secret passageway entrance. She looks back at her elven ally and nods as she quietly slips inside.

Raploch quickly follows Amelia into the cold stone passageway as he beckons to Zeke.

Zeke keeps an arrow notched in his bow as he slides through the passagway last, moving backwards to gard their rear. Zeke shoots a glance up towards Amelia, wondering whats up ahead.

Amelia follows the passageway up to the end and quietly lowers the extra board she was carrying. Waiting for the signal horn from the elves to start their distraction outside. Amelia slowly moves the tapestry to peek inside the room and look for tables and other wooden objects they can use to barr the main doors.

Raploch arrives at the end of the passage and lifts off the heavy plank strapped to his back lowers it down to the floor, along with the dwarven hammer and sack of long nails he bought. Quietly lowering himself to the floor he looks back to Zeke to assist him down.

Zeke un-notches his arrow, setting the bow down carefully as he moves to assist Raploch
Zeke quickly slides the bow around his back and follows Raploch down into the throneroom, glancing around for a sight of the goblin king.

The eerie light of the nearby torches affixed to the walls glints off of the goblin kings eyes like dull stone until the sound of a disturbance outside replaces it with a sudden focus.

Grumm snaps up to his feet, glaring at the entrance to the throne room as he gestures wildly to his cohorts to spring into action, making abusive threats all the while.

Amelia turns back and nods at Raploch and Zeke to indicate the attack on the front has started.
Amelia motions to the others that the 6 guards are on their way to the main doorway of the Throne Room.

Raploch taking Amelia's que, prepares his plank of wood by pressing in a few sharp nails to right them on the ends of the planks. He grips his longhandled hammer tightly. Raploch looking around, he sizes up the surrounding furniture. One large armoire and a few benches and chairs. Raploch makes eye contact with zeke and points to the armoire while nodding

+ glancing over towards raploch, and then towards the armoire, Zeke gives a nod of agreement to Raploch and prepares to rush the armoire once the guards exit the room.

The king sinks back into his throne for the barest of moments. Suddenly he's standing and whirling around almost in the same motion and kicks his throne over. Grumm begins taking his sudden rage out on the objects nearby, knocking this and that over, sending peels of metallic shrieks through the dank air as a torch hits the floor. Grumm says in some unknown tongue 'AaHzHzHzHzHzHzHzHz!' Grumm stops and glares at the tapestry hanging on the wall. The three foot frame of the goblin king begins heading toward the tapestry, naked hate written plainly in his eyes.

Amelia widens her eyes as she notices the Goblin King walking right towards them. Its now or never.
Amelia draws her sword and motions for the attack to begin. She flings her sword slicing the tapestry on the top as she charges forward to knock the incoming king.

Raploch pushes up from his kneeling position with the large plank in one arm and his hammer in the other. He rushes towards the main doorway, and slams the doors shut. In one quick movement he heaves the plank across them and slams the hammer down on the nails of one side of the plank.

Zeke bursts out at the same time as raploch, but instead of the door he runs towards the armoire, mashing his shoulder up next to it and with a grunt begins sliding it towards the door.

The goblin's surprise is evident at seeing the humans appear in the room, but not enough to stop him from aiming a shoulder at the female human and rushing forward.

The piece of the tapestry just cut by Amelia's sword manages to land square on the goblin's face, and no small amount of audible consternation is heard as the resulting crash into an armored human well beyond his size meets with little success.

Amelia swiftly gives a glance to asses the room's status and turns back down at the goblin king. Amelia uses the tapestry to hold the goblin king but removes a small portion to let him see her face. She then addresses him with a firm voice. She exclaims 'Your misdeeds have caugth up to you Goblin King! No more shall you torment and assasinate Solamnics nor our allies!' Amelia stares with a grim face as she attempts to intimidate the king with her presence and statements. She exclaims 'You have Killed many innocents over the diamond you just received. YOU will surrender that diamond to us... as payment to those who you wronged!!'

Raploch turns his hammer towards the nails at the other end of the large plank which now somewhat secures the doorway . Shouting can be heard on the other side, and soon the doors begin to rattle from the efforts of the guards trying to gain entry. Raploch jumps to Zeke's assistance with moving the large armoire as he takes a glance at Amelia and the King.

Zeke grunts as the armoire reaches the door, cursing something under his breath
Zeke says 'Door blocked.' Zeke mutters. Zeke slides the bow back off his back and once again notches an arrow while looking towards the goblin king. Zeke exclaims 'Stop!' Zeke screams at the king. Zeke says 'You're outnumbered and you have nowhere to go' Zeke takes a few steps from the door to get the best possible shot at the goblin if he tries something and then waits for the kings reply.

The diminutive creature rubs his shoulder as he rises, muttering in jagged common, 'Innocents. Diamonds purchase future, not lives of weak humans OR elves!' Grumm says, 'Can ask solamnics all about bloodshed of innocents if want. Need diamond to buy way to fight YOU!" The goblin draws a dagger and moves to stab Amelia in the neck, either unaware of the threat from the human with the bow aimed at him or uncaring.

Amelia sees the dagger come from nowhere and wounds the left side of her neck. She instinctively reacts by punching with her right arm and the hilt of the sword, the face of the goblin king while she drops her shield and takes her left hand to cover her wound. Blood gushes quickly from the wound as Amelia falls backwards. Amelia concentrates as fast as she can on asking the aid from the God, Habbakuk. Casting a prayer of healing on herself... blood still gushing.

Raploch, seeing Amelia fall backward and Zeke covering the King with his bow, removes the glove from his left hand and moves deftly towards amelia, catching her fall and focuses his prayers into his hands where he attempts to heal her wounds. Raploch nods. Raploch's hand begins to glow with bright light as he cups her neck.

+ growling curses about 'idiot goblins' under his breath, Zeke pulls the bow taught and sends an arrow at the goblins leg, hoping to both slow him down and show him the knights meant business. Zeke smirks as the arrow lands, quickly notching another one. Zeke says 'Thats your second warning goblin, surrender now.'

As a high pitched squeal echoes through the chamber, the goblin writhes in pain for several moments as he pushes the arrow through the other side of his leg and out, blackish blood spurting between his fingers as he grasps the wound. Glaring at the human with the bow, he rises rather more steadily than he should, seeming enraged beyond the point of acknowledging pain. 'Surrender to humans, knights, is death already.'
The goblin spits on the human woman and attempts to spit on the man healing her but misses widely. 'Go from my home, invaders. Go!'

Amelia stands, still her hand over the wound with little blood flowing now.  You exclaim 'You are as good as dead, you say? Well indeed you Are!' Amelia says with a growl as she towers towards the goblin with the sword ready to impale him. You exclaim 'This is you last and final chance. Give us the diamond and your crown and we shall leave your Home with -You alive- in It. Refuse and you shall die right now with the most excrutiating pain as Habbakuk's Might strikes you down with Holy Powers!' Amelia calls for Habbakuks Might and Holy Smite Power and her sword starts to glow with a blinding light. She stabs the goblin into the shoulder of the hand holding the still bloodied dagger. Amelia twists the sword to inflict more pain as she finally says: 'Your reply?'

Raploch picks up the torch lying on the floor and stomps out the torchs marks, he turns his attention toward the secret passageway and tosses the torch into the passageway while keeping an eye out for goblins.

Noticing that she can probably take care of herself now, Zeke lowers his bow and slides back over towards the barricade, listening for returning goblins. Zeke suddenly seems to realise something and turns towards Raploch. Zeke asks in Human 'Uh, are we sure the king has the diamond on him?' Zeke begins scanning the room, keeping his back towards the barricade.

Grumm's face wrinles in defiance as he grabs the blade sticking into his shoulder and runs his hand along its length, his rage practically tangible as he flings blood on the human woman and spits once more. 'No want mercy from a coward...'

Amelia removes in a swift movement the sword from the goblins shoulder and plunges it into his torso.
Amelia removes the sword from the dying king and makes sure his last moves do not inflict any damage.
Amelia bends down and takes the crown from the fallen king. looking then for the place where he might have had the so sought diamond.

A quick glance around the room would reveal that the throne itself is turned over.

Raploch after seeing the king take his last breath, he glaces around the room and notices knocked over throne. Raploch upon inspection, a hidden panel in the floorboards reveals a secret compartment with a large, shiny diamond.

Zeke un-notches the arrow from his bow and slides it into his quiver, looking around the room he moves over and grabs a torch from the wall. Zeke asks 'We got everything we came for?'

Amelia nods at Zeke.

Raploch takes the diamond and secures it in his pouches and makes his way to the passageway

Zeke tosses the torch onto the barricade

Amelia says 'The elven troops must be falling back by now. we must go.' Amelia secures the crown in her packs as she wipes her sword and starts heading for the passageway.

Raploch asks 'let it burn, ey Zeke?'

Zeke shrugs helplessly. Zeke asks 'Why not?'

Raploch says 'Aye, lets go' Raploch makes his way down the passage, picking up the torch he threw down it earlier

Amelia leaves through the passageway and into the hidden path. Mission finished.

Zeke takes up the rear once again through the passageway as we make our escape